Podcast For Your Weight-Inclusive Journey
Embracing an Intuitive Eating Approach to food needs support. This article reviews three essential topics that are good to talk about as you move out of diet culture.
Exploring a weight-inclusive approach to food is a journey. Like any trip, having something to listen to makes it fun. Applying this principle to your nutrition journey is also helpful. Recently, I had a chance to meet Gina Forster, intuitive eating dietitian and creator of the podcast Nutrition Unmeasured.
I asked Gina to share her favorite podcasts with me. This got me thinking, “What are some essential questions to ask and unpack when embracing a weight-inclusive approach to food and eating?” Here are three that are important to explore.
The Scale.
Understanding what getting weighed and seeing your weight isn’t helpful. Many of my clients ask, “Don’t tell me my weight.” Which is awesome. I love that you are advocating for yourself when getting medical care.
An ‘ouch’ often happens when this information is shared on the client portal or the checkout documents. Talk with your provider about ways to manage being triggered by the scale.
As you keep unpacking weight and health, other issues can arise that come from the trauma of dieting. These experiences can be wide-ranging, but Gina suggested listening to Find Your Food Voice, with Julie Duffy Dillon Episode 229, when I weight myself and I like the number I see, it causes a binge -- the trauma of dieting.
Food Rules
Diet culture is all about food rules. In fact, a recent social media post reminded me that nutrition is a positive practice of adding foods and variety to your diet, whereas dieting is a reductive practice, removing options and choices. I want to give credit to @emilyfonnesbeck_RD for this amazing post!
I asked Gina, what are some of your favorite podcasts about food rules. Gina suggested listening to two episodes from Eat the Rules with Summer Innanen
Diet culture has taught us that having ease means you are ‘lazy.’ The truth is that ease is a human need. Life is hard, and dieting makes it harder. You aren’t wrong for craving ease. There is an underlying belief that without food rules, you will go ‘wild.” But isn’t true. In fact, these invisible food rules and experiences can trigger unhealed trauma.
I love Gina’s episode about convenience foods. Check out Gina’s Top Ten Convenience foods. Having foods that are nourishing and easy isn’t lazy. It is smart!
If you want to learn more about Gina, visit her website, Nutrition Unmeasured, and work directly with her on your weight-inclusive journey.
A big thank you to Gina Forrest for providing this amazing list of podcasts to listen to on your weight-inclusive journey.
Find Your Food Voice 237 - Feeling addicted to food while making peace
Find Your Food Voice 230 - making peace with food but in a larger body
Find Your Food Voice 261 When will I finally have a normal relationship with food?
The Girl NExt Door “is a completely pleasure-filled listen! I’ve enjoyed this podcast for three years, with two moms discussing life and fun stuff!”
Episode: Let’s Talk About Our Periods Note: Gina says, “I love taking a serious topic and giving it some humor.”